Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sandbox t-shirt designs...

Okay, as some cats out there know I share a studio space with Spencer Goldade at Calgary's Art Central. Last month we put together a t-shirt show. I'm currently compiling a list of colourful characters for a comic book project and used this show as a jumping off point for illustrating these crazy characters names. Dig in!

Absolute Underground...

okay, so I've obviously been kind of busy as I haven't posted anything in a while. Here is a progression from concept to finish of a piece I did for the cover of Vancouver-based magazine Absolute Underground. This was an extremely challenging project as I had to include 4 bands (and 15 band members) and a Halloween theme on the cover. I pretty happy with how this turned out. I'll make sure to add another update when the mag is released (there is also a full page interview with yours truly in the issue).